end non-responsive task automatically, how to stop non-responsive application, program, guide, tips
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How to end non-responsive task, application, program automatically?

Many times when a program becomes non-responsive, usually you need to end the program by using alt+ctrl+del keys to end the task. But, sometimes, even you do this, it will take a long time to react and get the program killed. It is really a trouble! The following method tells you how to end the task automacally.

1. Back up your registry.

2. Click Start.

3. Click Run.

4. Type in: REGEDIT

5. Go to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER --> Control Panel --> Desktop --> AutoEndTasks  
6. Set the value to be 1 In the same section and change the WaitToKillAppTimeout to the number of milliseconds you want.

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