spoofing attack, what is spoofing attack, how to prevent spoofing attack
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What is spoofing attack, how to prevent spoofing attack?

What is Spoofing

Spoofing is a method used by computer hackers to gain unauthorized access to your computers by sending a message with an IP address saying it is coming from trusted host. This is called IP Spoofing and there are some other spoofing like email spoofing, ARP spoofing, and content spoofing.

What is IP Spoofing?

IP address spoofing or IP spoofing refers to the creation of Internet Protocol (IP) packets with a false source IP address, called spoofing and its purpose is to hide the identity of the sender or impersonating another computing system.

What is email Spoofing?

E-mail spoofing is using a false e-mail header to make the message appear to have originated from someone or somewhere other than the actual source. Distributors of spam often use spoofing to get receivers to open and even respond to their emails.

What is ARP Spoofing?

ARP spoofing sends a false MAC address in ARP messages. An attacker usually sends false ARP information inclucing the MAC address of the attackerĄ¯s computer mapped to the IP of a legitimate server. When a client connects to the serverĄ¯s IP address, it will actually connect to the attackerĄ¯s computer.

What is content Spoofing?

Content spoofing is a method used by a attacker to send a faked, modified, or officail looking Web site to the user as if it were legitimate and it is also called phishing. The main purpose is usually to obtain the user and password so that the attacker can get into your bank accounts or something alike.

How to prevent Spoofing?

Since IP spoofing is the main part of many attacks, it is important to have countermeasures to cope with it. We can use routers or other devices that can filter traffic based on source and destination IP address. We can also use IPSec to authenticate traffic.

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