turn off system beeps, how to turn off system beeps
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How to turn off system beeps?

System beeps are those sounds you hear when an error message or an information/warning message appears. They can be very annoying especially if your speaker volume is set to a high level. To turn them off, you will have to modify the system registry. The following are steps:

1. Back up registry first.

2. Clilck Start, and then "Run".

3. In the edit box, key in "regedit" without the quotes and press enter.

4. Navigate your way through the branches to HKEY_CURRENT_USER -> Control Panel -> Sound.

5. In the right side, you will see an entry named "Beep", which should be set to "Yes". All you have to do is double-click it and enter "no" without the quotes.

6. Exit registry editor.

By doing the above, you will get rid of those computer sounds in the event of an error. If for any reason you decide you want to enable the system beeps, all you have to do is go the key mentioned above and enter "yes" without the quotes.

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